"I made C3PO for Giles Deacon, Stormtrooper for Christopher Kane and Darth Vader for Henry Holland.
I also made this photoshoot 3D to celebrate the Star Wars films coming out in 3D in 2012."
So what were What were your initial ideas for this project?
I wanted to have each star wars character costume re-branded and customized to fit today's fashion scene. A lot of people I've come across in the fashion industry haven't even seen the films and have a pre-misconception about them being primarily for male viewers.
What were your inspirations/influences.people/artists/films.. in making this project.
Someone showed me a wicked exhibition called 'The Vader project' where 100 artists were given 100 Darth Vader replica helmets to do whatever they wanted with it. http://www.thevaderproject.com/ so I thought to myself 'I want to do that.'

So what was the duration for this project?
I had 2 months. The longest part was sticking Swarovski crystals onto C3PO's head.
Tell me about the other photos...
C3PO for Giles Deacon is really pretty. The helmet looks better in real life as it sparkles. I turned C3PO into a glamour droid. She wears gold lame and no knickers.
Stormtrooper for Christopher Kane is kickass. She likes to be pretty but isn't afraid to punch the sh*t outta someone. Her catchphrase is "I WILL go to the ball. Motherf*cker."
Tell me about this photo specifically..(Photo Below)

For Darth Vader by Henry Holland (more my interpretation of Henry Holland) I made a 'Sith Happens' logo t-shirt based on House of Holland's designs. Painted the Vader helmet pink and stuck on huge fake eyelashes et voila! I call her 'Daft Vader; Drag Queen of the Sith.' She's a Diva you see. She has her own pink light-saber too!!!!
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